Monday, April 20, 2015

Goin' Gangsta, Choosin' Cholita

Q.:Some teenagers dismiss gangsta and cholo styles as "affections." What does it mean
 to call something an "affection"? What are some examples of an "affection". Is the
word used positively or negatively? When we call something "exotic" what do
we mean? Is it a favorable or unfavorable comment? Where does the word
come from?
In “Goin’ Gangsta, Choosin’ Cholita: Claiming Identity,” Nell Bernstein argues that
some young people have claimed racial identities other than their own and this is not a bad thing.  Some young people are influenced by music and television, and then they begin to mimic the things they hear and see while other people claim to be races they are not because of association or they only claim part of their identity.  Bernstein explains that as time goes by the suburbs are becoming more diverse and people in the suburbs have become infatuated with the “city life”.  At the same time, others have found it too hard to be white or their own race, so they claim another ethnicity, or only part of theirs to fit in.  Bernstein believes that being who you want to be is what the 21st century is all about.

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